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Whilst Waste Watch continues to educate and inform the public, community groups and businesses, we are also involved with lobbying and advising the national government.
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11 July 2005
From waste to resource: a new strategy for 2005
A statement of policy recommendations for the Waste Strategy 2000 review from the Community Composting Network, Community Recycling Network, Friends of thr Earth, Green Alliance, Furniture Reuse Network, Waste Watch and the Women's Environmental Network.
09 December 2004
Possession obsession: consumption through the years - Liz Barclay
09 December 2004
Possession obsession: research into possible policy mechanisms - Prof Tim Jackson
09 December 2004
Possession obsession: the brand 'sustainability' - Michael Parker
09 December 2004
Possession obsession: summary of annual seminar
29 November 2004
Waste Watch submission to the Environmental Audit Committee Inquiry “a Follow – up to Learning the Sustainability Lesson”
09 November 2004
Waste Watch Response to Defra's draft Waste and Resources R and D Strategy 2004/5 – 2006/7
22 October 2004
Presentation by Doreen Fedrigo, Policy Research and Information Manager at Waste Watch at the 5th International Conference of the International Centre for Research on Environmental Issues (ICREI) on Wastes.
This presentation was made at the 5th International Conference held by the International Centre for Research on Environmental Issues at the Unviersity of Aix Marseille. Held in June 2004, the theme for the conference was: wastes. Each biennial conference considers different environmental issues and the potential of non-regulatory mechanisms such as property rights to achieve environmental improvements or avoid damage. (Please note this is a large document - 480 KB - please allow time for it to download).
10 August 2004
Waste Watch Response to Taking it on, the UK Government’s Sustainable Development Strategy review consultation
20 January 2004
Effects of Landfill Tax Credit Scheme reform on Education for Sustainable Development.
13 January 2004
Waste Watch response to ‘Towards a Thematic Strategy on the Prevention and Recycling of Waste’
13 January 2004
UK NGO Response to the European Commission's 'Towards a Thematic Stratgey on the prevention and Recycling of Waste'
28 October 2003
Waste Watch Submission to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee Inquiry into End-of-Life Vehicles and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directives
03 October 2003
The Road from Waste to Resources - article for the Environment-2003 Online Conference
Article by Doreen Fedrigo, Policy Research and Information Manager, for the Environment-2003 online conference, running from October 27th 2003.
06 August 2003
Waste Watch Submission to HM Treasury Futurebuilders Consultation
06 August 2003
Waste Watch Submission to the Environmental Audit Committee Inquiry “Learning the Sustainability Lesson”.
01 July 2003
Waste Watch Written Evidence to the European Union Committee Inquiry “European Union Policy Development: The Challenge of Waste Management”
25 February 2003
Waste Watch Submission to the Environmental Audit Committee Inquiry “Learning the Sustainability Lesson”.
07 April 2002
Submission to European Union Committee Sub-Committee B Inquiry into the Costs to Industry Associated with Directive 94/62/EC on Packaging and Packaging Waste
01 November 2001
No Waste Of Money
'No Waste of Money' seeks to help clarify issues relating to the allocation of Government monies ear-marked for recycling and composting. In particular, the report focuses on the £140 million announced in the 2000 Strategic Spending Review to support recycling in England, and the £49.5 million from the National Lottery Financed New Opportunities Fund to support community recycling in the UK.
01 April 2001
Comments on WRAP's Draft Business Plan
09 January 2001
Response to the Government consultation on the distribution of the £140 million Waste Minimisation and Recycling Fund in England
01 September 2000
Submission to the House of Commons Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee, Environmental Sub-Committee Inquiry: Delivering Sustainable Waste Management
01 August 2000
Response to Waste Strategy 2000: Government Waste Strategy For England and Wales
01 October 1999
Submission to the House of Commons Environment Sub-Committee Inquiry on the work of the Environment Agency
The response is mainly limited to specific points, broadly themed into four key areas - the Agency's educational and advisory role, waste regulation issues, relationships with the waste management industry, strategic vision and sustainable development
01 September 1999
Manifesto for Market Development
Waste Watch report highlighting ways to increase the viability of recycling. The Manifesto for Market Development (MMD) is a seven-point plan of actions to boost recycling by supporting action to create new markets and expand existing markets for materials.
01 July 1999
Response to A Way With Waste: Government Consultation on a Draft Waste Strategy for England and Wales
01 January 1999
Memorandum submitted to the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee, Environment Sub-Committee Inquiry into the operation of the Landfill Tax